Ready, Set, Go! Moms are Packing their Bags!

Ready, Set, Go! Moms are Packing their Bags!

It’s been a long few months for moms.  Not unlike the general population she’s been taking preventative health measures at home with her family. Unfortunately her to do list has grown to include educating her children, seeking out essential household items and entertaining the family.  Now that states are reopening what can we expect her…

The Toy Industries Biggest Challenge May Be Coming

The Toy Industries Biggest Challenge May Be Coming

Let’s face it the toy industry has seen its challenges over the last 18 months.  First it was the elimination of Toys R’ Us as a major distribution channel, then it was delays in manufacturing while China battled COVID-19.   Things were looking brighter recently for those brands with enough inventory to enjoy a spike in…

Mom Shopping

How Moms Will Shop in a Post Pandemic Retail World

The locked doors of local malls will soon be open and homebound moms will be released from their confinement.  As states begin to reopen the economy and allow retailers to welcome customers back, will moms be rushing out to flex their spending power? BSM Media surveyed over 500 mothers from across America about their anticipated…

Marketing to Expectant Mothers During a Pandemic

Marketing to Expectant Moms During a Pandemic

Four weeks ago when most America when into lockdown, marketers worried about the future of their marketing to mom campaigns. What they soon discovered however was that homebound moms searching for products, educational tools and entertainment created opportunities for sales growth.   Most importantly the new normal presented the chance to deepen their relationship with mothers,…