What We Know

Mom Influencer

2016: The Year Of The Social Mom Influencer

As 2015 winds down and the New Year is almost here, it’s time to dust off my crystal ball and offer my predictions on marketing to moms in 2016. Here are a few top-level thoughts for what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s “so 2015”. Mom bloggers will continue to shift their attention to simpler, quicker-to-post…

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Millennial mom pregnant

Millennial Moms Are Creators Of New Holidays

’Tis the season for fall holidays, and it seems like they keep arriving earlier every year! For Millennials, holidays and special occasions are not just about Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah anymore. Even “Hallmark holidays” like Boss’s Day (today, coincidentally) have nothing on the trends that Millennials have created to celebrate milestones, particularly once these…

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