What We Know

Technology and the Millennial Mom

You are likely to find her sipping coconut water in a cafe while shopping on her wireless device. She’s sporting Tom’s shoes and garments tied to some kind of philanthropic cause. Her toddler sits in a stroller close to her, gliding chubby fingers comfortably over an iPod. She’s the Millennial Mom, and she’s all the…

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Getting to Know the Millennial Mom

As a consumer group, Millennials control an estimated $172 billion a year and influence $3,000 in family spending annually. Most Millennials enjoyed a prosperous childhood and are the most diverse population of women in the history of the U.S. (both socioeconomically and ethnically). Minorities make up 34% of this generation, up from 24% in the…

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Back to School Means More Than Just Pencil And Pens

It’s Back to School season for moms, and perhaps as a marketer you have overlooked the opportunity to tap into mom’s wallet because you don’t sell school supplies or computers. Don’t make this mistake. The start of the school year means much more to mothers than packing lunches and backpacks. It’s recognized as New Year’s…

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Graduation Season Reveals New Market Segment: The College Mom

When we talk about marketing to moms, the newborn and baby market are usually the focus, and with good reason. The global baby care market is expected to increase its total sales to $66 billion by 2017. Numbers I’ve seen vary from $7,000 to $12,000 that parents spend on products in baby’s first year. However,…

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How Brands Can Celebrate Moms … And Help Moms Celebrate

May is the month for Moms.  Between Mother’s Day and National Mom’s Nite Out, www.momsniteout.com, there’s a lot of celebrating around motherhood. As marketers join in the celebration to connect with moms, I thought it would fun to take a look at some of the brands that are executing interesting marketing campaigns around mothers and where the…

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