What We Know

There’s An Evolution In The Blogosphere

This is a blog post I’ve wanted to write for some time and now I do so with a bit of lingering hesitation. I’ve delayed putting my observations into writing because I didn’t want to seem like I was generalizing or calling out any one blogger’s personal situation. However, enough time and events have gone by…

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Will Facebook Decide Election? Moms Vote Yes

Historians attribute Bill Clinton’s successful run for the White House to “soccer moms.” Today, these mothers of influence can be found online on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. With mothers numbering over 82 million in the U.S., it’s no surprise that both Ann Romney and Michelle Obama made an effort to appeal to voting mothers during…

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Discover and Share Through Video on The New MomTV.com

MomTV.com, the largest online TV network for moms, recently launched an enhanced site where moms join together to discover, learn and share through video. The new, interactive experience of MomTV.com lets moms upload videos on their own channel or simply watch videos, enjoy an online community and share experiences, opinions and advice on all things…

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Campaigns That Tug on Heartstrings

I love when I see great Mom Marketing. I can’t help it. I am old enough to remember a day when brands didn’t really focus on moms in their marketing campaigns. Let me correct myself; there were some brands in the ’90s that used images of June Cleaver to portray their interest in and knowledge…

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