What We Know

Top 8 Changes in the Mom Market over 5 Years

A great deal can be learned by looking back. Perhaps that is why a convention organizer recently asked me to include a slide in my presentation noting the greatest changes in Moms in the last five years. Of course, there are many fashionable, parenting and philosophical changes that have occurred, but I elected to focus…

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Mom Bloggers, It’s A Small World After All

I am sure that Walt Disney himself had no way of knowing just what a small world it would become after all, particularly in the world of moms. Today more and more brands are reaching beyond borders to connect with moms while advancements in technology have empowered mothers to socialize with moms around the globe.…

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Meet the Mom Frugalista

There’s a new breed of mom – and she’s here to stay. Meet the Mom Frugalista. She’s a savvy, price-comparison shopper who utilizes technology, offline media, and most of all her peers to stretch her buying dollar. She was once a mom on a budget but the recent shift in economic climate generated a conversion…

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Why do Marketers still fear Marketing to Moms?

I have a favorite saying and one that stirs my business philosophy as much as my personal actions. It’s attributed to the bright man or woman referred to as Anonymous and goes like this: “If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” I wish I knew who Anonymous…

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