What We Know

Web-savvy retailers marketing to ‘mommy bloggers’

The Internet has long been compared to the “anything-goes” Wild West. New trends, however, suggest it is becoming an updated version of the sewing circle of yesteryear. “Mommy blogs” and related mom-oriented social networks enable merchants to communicate with consumers in a space where they are actively engaged in product discussions. According to Maria Bailey…

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Unlocking the secrets of Miley Cyrus’ and Marketing to Moms

Say two words to any mom of a 4-15 year ol girl, “Miley Cyrus” or “Hannah Montana” and you are certain to evoke some type of response. In most cases, it will be positive. “Oh, my daughter loves her” to “Her music is so affirming.” But what makes Miley Cyrus so appealing to mothers? The…

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Connecting with Mom Influencers

“Help! I’m getting pressure from my manager and executive team to tap mom influencers.” It’s a cry that I hear everyday from even the most experienced marketers. Cultivating relationships with the millions of mom bloggers out there could take years yet you have sales goals this month. So where do you begin? The first thing…

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