What’s ClubHouse you ask? It’s the newest and hottest social platform! For brands who want to connect with mom consumers, it may be the next biggest thing. In the simplest terms, it’s like having a seat around the sandbox at the park or a spot on the bleachers at a Little League game.
Moms are hosting rooms and discussing everything from starting a business to suggestions for getting a full night’s sleep, and they are doing it with words in real conversations. That’s perhaps what’s fueling the rapid growth of the app: people rediscovering the power of speaking to each other and discovering common interests.
We invite you to join BSM Media’s Club: Marketing to Moms where we discuss the latest in tactics, research and strategy for selling products to moms. It’s moderated by BSM Media’s CEO Maria Bailey who brings to the stage expert, brand marketers and industry specialists.
If you are ready to get up close and person with your customer, let BSM Media help you host a room on Clubhouse.