Fueling Impressions Through Exclusive Turnkey Programs
Pillow Pets engaged BSM Media to increase brand awareness and increase social media sharing among Moms and their children. With this goal, BSM Media designed several marketing tactics in order to leverage its mom influence network and distribute brand messaging for Pillow Pets lines, including: Disney Pixar Cars 3, Disney Emoji, and Smiley Faces. This report includes exposure snapshots and analytics for a variety of tactics, including:
- Influencer Social Sharing Activation
- Surprise & Delight Sampling
- Cars 3 Twitter Takeover
- Tween Video Reviews
- Hot Toy of the Year Videos
- Holiday Gifting TV Segments
- Amazon Video Content
BSM Media’s scope of work with Pillow Pets required BSM Media to deliver 400 social shares, 25 YouTube videos, 5 TV segments and 3.6 million impressions.
At the conclusion of the program, BSM exceeded the campaign benchmarks by delivering over 3,400 social shares, 25 YouTube videos, 6 TV segments, and 20 million campaign impressions. Additionally, the content shared as part of this program received engagement rates higher than industry benchmarks. Based on the measurements and the positive feedback from our influencer network, this campaign was a success!
- This campaign generated over 3,370 social media shares
- More than 39,000 engagements were made with social media posts
- 2 million total campaign impressions were generated
- 100% of influencers said they are likely to purchase Pillow Pets in the future
Pillow Pets
Target Audience
Moms and their Gen Z Kids