Website Development and Rollout Using Mom Ambassadors
BSM Media created and manages a new website for HP where families can create and be inspired with their HP products. We specifically designed and created this stimulating new content for HP that continues to build lasting relationships with the brand and the DIY community 2 years later. We administer several groups with Moms surrounding MyPrintly.com and measured feedback and ongoing results. Focus groups include HP Ambassadors, a Smart Mom Panel, and attendees of an Engineering Mixer and regular Hack-A-Thons. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we found that more than one-third of all visitors return to MyPrintly.com.
- MyPrintly social media outreach resulted in 5.8 million online impressions in just 60 days
- 15 HP MyPrintly Ambassadors more than quadrupled the impression estimate, ending with 3.3 million online impressions
- #HPSmartMom Panel of 200 moms produced 21 Pinterest boards and 54 re-Pins in a St. Patrick’s Day Pinterest Contest
Target Audience